Monday, July 9, 2012

Domino Effect At Military Parade




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The Armed Forces of Belarus may never be known for their military dominance, but they might have the most entertaining category locked up.

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Showing 1 - 13 of 17 comments

  • subhuman

    subhuman - 48 minutes ago

    I expected them to fall at some point...oh well

  • Valeasaz

    Valeasaz - an hour ago

    That was really good.

  • byFrebn

    byFrebn - an hour ago

    Why don't they do it at the same time? It would be so much faster

  • altdzin

    altdzin - an hour ago

    Best way to beat your enemy... bore them to death.

  • Hide comment and all replies Show comment and 3 replies ?johnstag87

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    johnstag87 - an hour ago

    They could never do this in the USA. The soldiers are very fat and they couldn't stand close enough to each other to make the visual effect work.

    • Mizogucci

      Mizogucci - an hour ago

      @johnstag87Why do people always bag on the USA? Americans have done more good and have more of their servicemen buried in other countries than any other nation in history. All of Europe would be speaking german without america and anyone not blue eyed and blonde haired would be a slave or dead. You should be kissing America's ass forever because without us you probably wouldn't exsist and if you do exsist your standard of living would be far lower as about every invention you use came from America. So STFU.

    • Cesario-Garcia-815

      Cesario-Garcia-815 - an hour ago

      @johnstag87For the record the Marines do this. Also We do have specialized drill teams that display this also.,There is also the ROTC and they drill with precision...So this video is for show only. The difference is our Marines can back their display with action.. These guys are for show only..Nuff said..For the record our standing army is the best in the world....So take your negative comments else where..

    • beany_bot

      beany_bot - 23 minutes ago

      @You idiot

  • jbailor

    jbailor - an hour ago

    And that my friends is how wars are won.

  • MrRuski

    MrRuski - an hour ago

    proud to be Belarusian u guys killed it

  • Hide comment and all replies Show comment and 1 replies ?wellwhatevernevermind

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    wellwhatevernevermind - 2 hours ago

    war is a tool used by governments to colonize territories and profit from its resources. weapons manufacturers make trillions upon trillions war after war all to result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands.

    • JonathanTheZombi

      JonathanTheZombi - an hour ago

      @wellwhatevernevermindShattap ya monkey and enjoy the show

  • mdf06

    mdf06 - 2 hours ago


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